Oliveira Souza

Decree No. 10,139/2019 comes into effect today: thousands of federal normative acts, subordinate to decrees, will be reviewed and consolidated.


The Federal Public Administration has an extensive regulatory stock, sometimes conflicting and even outdated, which generates legal uncertainty for both public servants when applying scattered norms and for the public, whose defense is hindered by various precepts within an uncontrolled collection.

In view of the national movement to analyze regulatory impact, effectively manage the regulatory stock, and promote normative consolidation, Decree No. 10,139 of November 28, 2019, enters into force at a timely moment.

In this context, the expected result is that the entire Federal Public Administration reviews and consolidates its normative acts subordinate to decrees by May 31, 2021 (see articles 1 and 14 of the mentioned decree), after completing five stages. Private participation should be encouraged for their contribution to the process.

To give an idea, during a workshop held by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA) on January 31, 2020, it was revealed that MAPA identified 71,165 (seventy-one thousand, one hundred and sixty-five) acts – normative and non-normative – within its scope alone. These acts will undergo screening by different sectors and will be organized within a Working Group, with the first disclosure scheduled for April 30, 2020.

In short, it will be quite a task, but one that will significantly contribute to the fluidity of many regulatory issues. It will promote a transparent and predictable relationship between the Administration and the public. As mentioned in the highlighted workshop, it will remove the barriers to progress.