Oliveira Souza

Oliveira Souza Advogados participated in the 1st Workshop of the Regulatory Agenda of the Secretariat of Agricultural Defense.


Oliveira Souza Advogados participated in the 1st Workshop of the Regulatory Agenda of the Secretariat of Agricultural Defense. The event aimed to enhance public-private dialogue, providing the private sector with the opportunity to discuss priority regulatory issues of greater relevance to the Brazilian agribusiness chain.

According to Dr. Guilherme de Castro Souza, a Partner at the firm who attended the discussions, the event was very productive. It sought to address various concerns and objectives of the agricultural sector and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA). This measure brings more transparency to the regulatory process as a whole, resulting in a harmonization of expectations and understandings among all parties involved, in favor of promoting sustainable development in Brazilian agriculture and ensuring the safety and competitiveness of its products.

Regulatory agenda

Thematic axes

In November, the 1st Workshop of the Regulatory Agenda of the Secretariat of Agricultural Defense (SDA) for the 2020/2021 biennium took place. The event was promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA), represented by the SDA, the Department of Support and Norms (DSN), and the General Coordination of Analysis and Review of Normative Acts (CGAN).

The objective of the event was to improve public-private dialogue, allowing the private sector – represented by various branches and activities – along with MAPA officials, to discuss priority regulatory issues of greater relevance to the Brazilian agribusiness chain.

There were 5 debate axes, namely: (i) Cross-cutting themes; (ii) Plant Inspection; (iii) Animal Health and Livestock Inputs; (iv) Animal Feed and Inspection; and (v) Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs.

At the end, the workshop participants selected 60 topics for the Regulatory Agenda of the 2020/2021 biennium.

Among them, some highlights include:

  1. Great concern about controlling the extensive Brazilian borders, especially by improving the Agricultural Surveillance and Defense Program at international borders and creating a National Program for Monitoring the risk of irregular international transit of agribusiness products.
  2. The need to discuss the development of a Bill regarding the Inspection of Plant-Origin Products, similar to what exists for animal-origin products, as well as improving the National Register of Cultivars (RNC), adapting it to new technologies and sectoral demands.
  3. Another important point discussed was the registration of agricultural pesticides, especially considering the increase in registrations granted in 2019 – as a result of streamlining the process – which received significant media attention. It is important to provide greater transparency in the pesticide registration process to ensure a proper understanding of its importance for Brazilian agriculture.
  4. Finally, in the view of this law firm, a sensitive and widely debated topic concerns the certification and qualification procedures for plants/frigoríficos (slaughterhouses) and the criteria and procedures for applying administrative sanctions, which require greater uniformity of understanding among DIPOA and other subordinate bodies. This is especially important at a time when there is a growing demand for animal-origin products (especially protein for human consumption), requiring increased investment and security to enable a corresponding increase in production.