Oliveira Souza

Panel on the Integrity Seal of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply.


The law firm Oliveira Souza Advogados attended the event held at the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), which was divided into two panels: Perspectives on Public Integrity Actions and Perspectives on Integrity Actions in the Private Sector with a focus on Agribusiness.

Both panels discussed integrity from the perspectives of representatives from various organizations and sectors: there were speakers from the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU), the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), the Open Accounts Association, the Brazilian Cooperative Organization (OCB), the Ethos Institute, and the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA).

Regarding Agribusiness, after the “Operation Carne Fraca” was exposed, the sector had to evolve and develop new processes: companies invested in compliance and reviewed their self-controls; the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) intensified inspections; the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA) created the Agro + Integrity Seal and has been investing in discussions on new inspection methods, including the organization of the Seminar on Self-Control and Good Practices and the recent creation of the Technical Committee on Self-Control Programs (Ordinance No. 24).

The event made it clear that all perspectives converge on the need for transparency, for doing things right even when no one is watching, and for restoring the society’s shaken trust. The national Agribusiness sector is indeed reliable, as it would not have achieved its prominent position in the world otherwise. It is important to further promote our reliability and recognize companies that comply with integrity requirements.