Oliveira Souza

The essentiality of the national Agro.


The combat against the spread of the coronavirus in the country is the responsibility of the governments and everyone.

At the same time, there are public services and essential activities that cannot be stopped, among them the Agro (agriculture) and its coordinated chain, from inputs, through rural producers, industries (…) until it reaches the final consumer. Consequently, health and phytosanitary surveillance also remain in place.

Despite the recent issuance of Decree No. 10,282, dated March 20, 2020* – which states that essential public services and activities are those necessary to meet the urgent needs of the community, including those that, if not met, would endanger the survival, health, or safety of the population – there are those who argue for the cessation of activities that are part of the Agro’s production chain. This has led to clashes between sectors, including labor and civil litigations.

It is indisputable that the integrity of Agro producers and workers must be prioritized – with the adoption of all possible risk mitigation measures – as well as that of the entire population. However, not all public services and essential activities can be performed under the home office regime. This must be weighed.

In this regard, the President of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), João Martins da Silva Junior**, expressed a well-positioned statement:

We have already shown the strength of Brazilian agriculture, ensuring that rural producers will continue to produce food to supply the cities, which is as essential as the actions of public agents to preserve everyone’s health.

Therefore, the production of food and the supply to everyone is as essential as the combat against the spread of the coronavirus. There is no incompatibility, but rather a unity of efforts.

