Oliveira Souza

The new Public Procurement Law and the farewell to Law No. 8,666/93.


Administrative Law brings news: the new Public Procurement and Administrative Contracts Law.

Enacted with vetoes, Law No. 14,133, dated April 1, 2021, came into force on the date of its publication. However, a coexistence period with the previous legislation is provided for (Article 193, II), which will be 2 (two) years.

Since Law No. 8,666/1993 had long been outdated, the new law ended up consolidating the evolution of the legal framework over the entire period. There are also new features, and throughout its extent, there is an explicit preference for the electronic format, culminating in the National Public Procurement Portal (PNCP).

Amid criticism and positive expectations, let us see how the new provisions will be put into practice.